The mission of Community Bible Church is to love God, to love others, and to magnify the name of Jesus Christ. The vision of our church is to glorify our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to make true disciples throughout all the nations by means of missionary activity and support, to minister the ordinances, to edify believers, and to do all that is sovereignly possible and biblically permissible to magnify the name of Jesus.
Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Eld. James C. Williams Sr, Pastor
Pastor Chuck’s ministerial training began at Progressive Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the late James B Alford Sr. During his training he held many leadership positions such as Sunday School teacher, president of Young People Willing Workers. (Y.P.W.W.), deacon, licensed minister and ordained elder under the Church of God in Christ Organization. He continued his ministerial training under the Progressive Life Giving Word Cathedral where Apostle Donald L. Alford is the Pastor. Pastor Chuck has additional training through Liberty Home Bible Institute. Pastor Chuck has since added additional learnings through Christian Leadership College.

Eld. Regina Williams, Elect Lady
She’s a young lady who at the age of 14 accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. She joined Progressive Church of God in Christ (Gress) and remained a faithful, dedicated member until the birth of God’s Heritage Full Gospel Ministries (GHFGM). As a student of the Word of God, she continues to grow and mature in her walk with the Lord.
Regina loves the Lord with all her heart. She has a passion for God and a desire to please him first and foremost. She’s not caught-up in titles or positions, but she is caught-up in her relationship with the Father. For it’s through him that she lives, move and have her being.
Her love and devotion to her husband is her life-line. She serves him with grace, passion, and submissiveness. His success in God and life is the thing she pushes the most. She knows that through and because of God and the love of her husband, children, family and friends, that her life is whole and complete.
Regina has been an inspiration, role model, mentor, strength, counselor, advisor etc, to so many people…boys and girls, men and women alike. Not only has she impacted the lives of those in church, but many outside the parameters of church as well.